The IAFH and Exceptional Courses


With Dr. Robert Walker 

And special credits to Alexander Riftine Ph.D

Why do I need to understand HRV?? 

To begin with, we need to understand the importance of the Autonomic Nervous System and its role in our general health, as well as in our ability to handle stress and injury.

We also need to look at the two parts of the ANS, namely the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS).

The main physiologic meaning of the Sympathetic Nervous System is that it could be viewed as a “mobilizing” or “energy-boosting” division of the ANS.

The SNS is concerned primarily with preparing the body for energy-expending, stressful or emergency situations.  It controls the “fight or flight” reactions, increasing the blood pressure, heart rate, and blood flow to the muscles, and is critical for meeting demands.

SNS tone is also a biological marker of Age.

As we get older, our adrenalin decreases and Cortisol increases, then both drop.

Conversely, the main physiologic meaning of the Parasympathetic Nervous System is that it could be viewed as a “restful” or “energy-conserving” division of the ANS.

The PSNS is most active under ordinary, restful conditions.  It also counterbalances the effects of the sympathetic division, and restores the body to a resting state following a stressful experience, and is critical for healing and proper sleep patterns.

PSNS is a biological marker for Health Reserves and Adaptive Capacity.

In response to various internal and external processes and stimuli, an individual experiences a continuous interplay between these two main ANS systems, constantly trying to balance each other out.  For example, during an emergency, the SNS will increase the heart and breathing rates to meet the demand.  Following the emergency, the PSNS will decrease these activities to allow the body to rest and heal.

Both systems are critical to life!

The problem in dealing with these systems “clinically” has been the issue of how to effectively determine the status of the ANS.

In the past, we were often taught that these two systems were operating in diametric opposition, meaning if the SNS activity went up, then the PSNS activity went down.

Current research has shown that this is not true.

And now we have an easy, cost effective method of determining the ANS status, anytime, anywhere, and rechecking whenever we need to.

Welcome to the Nerve-Express HRV System!

developed by Alexander Riftine Ph.D 

While this course is based around the "Nerve Express" HRV System, 

the information it contains can be applied to almost ALL of the quality HRV analysis units that are currently available.

The first module is available Free for a limited time..

The course contains a FULL manual when the course is purchased, 

and available after completing the Module #1..

Are you READY to expand your knowledge?

if not, you can still enjoy a small sample;

Are you ready to learn about HRV??

and if your interested in more Dental~Cranial or Structural Topics?

Have a look at the other Exceptional Courses!

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or just start the journey with this HRV INFORMATION?

  • $795.00

    $795.00HRV 101 - Understanding the Autonomics through Heart Rate Variability

    Understanding the Autonomics and HRV Analysis
    I'm Ready!